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Working Smarter – Using Technology to Your Advantage

Course Details


Working smarter by leveraging technology involves using digital tools and innovations to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and improve efficiency.

Technology can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for more strategic and creative activities. For instance, project management software helps teams stay organised and meet deadlines, while communication platforms enable seamless collaboration, regardless of location.

Utilising data analytics tools can provide valuable insights, allowing businesses to make informed decisions and optimise operations. Cloud computing facilitates access to information and resources from anywhere, promoting flexibility and remote work capabilities. Additionally, customer relationship management (CRM) systems can improve customer service by centralising interactions and providing comprehensive data about customer preferences and behaviors.

Embracing technology boosts efficiency and fosters innovation by enabling new ways of thinking and problem-solving.

This course teaches you how to use technology to your advantage, to help you and your staff work smarter instead of harder.

Estimated Time To Complete

Approx 3 Hours

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to

Make the most of computers, telephones, instant messaging, e-mail, contact management applications, and scheduling software
Communicate better with the IT department
Make the best software and training choices
Set an IT budget
Implement policies for dealing with company property
Decide whether or not employees should telecommute and make telecommuting work
Deal with workplace rage


What to do when your technology budget gets cut
E-mail etiquette
System usage policies
How to reduce RSIs
Ways to use technology to make work fun
Instant messaging acronyms
What to do when cell phones take over your meeting
How to prevent employees from getting mad at technology
What to do when you can’t get a problem solved by the IT department


Computer, tablet or mobile
Internet Connection
Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox

Course Delivery

Online Learning

Course Access

12 Months

CPD Hours

1 Hours


Multiple Choice

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