Personal Development and Effectiveness
Course Details
Did you know that 20% of your actions produce 80% of your results? It’s called Pareto’s Principle, and it is one of the many techniques people use to increase their personal efficiency.
Personal effectiveness is not new and is most commonly associated with people who are self-aware, motivated, and constantly strive to achieve their goals. This is also a much sought-after attribute in employees. Personal development and effectiveness go hand-in-hand. It is an approach that involves concentrating your efforts and energy in acquiring and developing skills that will help you achieve your goals and grow professionally as well as personally.
This course is designed to enable learners to prioritise their own development to become more effective personally and professionally. It will help learners take into consideration time, resources, and other constraints. The course will also discuss how you can plan resources, consider your professional goals, and capitalise on your personal development training.
Estimated Time To Complete
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to