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Ethics vs. Profitability

Ethics vs. Profits – Striking the balance in Modern Business

Course Details


Is your business struggling to find the happy medium between ethical principles and profitable practice? In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, the age-old debate between ethics and profits challenges corporate leaders and entrepreneurs.

While pursuing profits is a fundamental objective for any company, the importance of conducting business ethically cannot be overstated. Striking the right balance between these two objectives is possible and essential for sustainable success.

Ethics in business encompass a wide range of principles and values that guide an organisation’s behaviour and decision-making processes. Ethical business practices include transparency, fairness, honesty, accountability, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Upholding ethical standards aligns a company with societal expectations and fosters trust among customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Profits are the lifeblood of any business, providing the resources needed for growth, innovation, and survival. Maximising profits is often seen as a primary objective for organisations to fulfil their responsibilities to shareholders and investors. Pursuing profits can drive competitiveness and efficiency, which is vital for long-term viability.

Balancing ethics and profits is not a zero-sum game. Modern businesses must recognise that ethical behaviour and profitability are interconnected. Ethical practices fulfil corporate social responsibility and contribute to long-term financial success by building trust, enhancing brand reputation, and fostering innovation. By embracing ethics as a core value, businesses can navigate the complex challenges of the modern business landscape while achieving sustainable profitability. Ultimately, the path to success lies in harmonising ethical principles with profit-seeking objectives, ensuring a brighter and more responsible future for businesses and society.

This comprehensive course has been designed to help learners understand the origins of business ethics, create ethical codes of conduct, and stay up to date on current trends, social issues, and employee rights. By building the necessary skills to navigate various ethical dilemmas as well as adhere to legal regulations, you’ll ensure your organisation acts fairly and morally.

Estimated Time To Complete

Approx 2 Hours

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to

Define the key concepts of ethics, profit and corporate responsibility.
Learn practical strategies for addressing ethical challenges.
Discover how ethical practices can drive long-term profitability, enhance brand reputation, and attract loyal customers.
Explore the role of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in modern business.
Gain insights into fostering a culture of ethics within your organisation.
Empower your team to make ethically driven decisions.


Understanding the dilemma
The importance of ethical business practices
Ethical frameworks in business
Measuring and monitoring ethical performance
OECD guidelines on responsible business conduct


Computer, tablet or mobile
Internet Connection
Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox

Course Delivery

Online Learning

Course Access

12 Months

CPD Hours

1 Hours


Multiple Choice

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