Beyond Workplace Politics

$33.00 “incl. GST”

This course aims to help participants understand and manage workplace politics to enhance productivity, morale, and trust among colleagues.


Workplace politics refer to the actions and behaviours of individuals within a workplace that involve using tactics to gain power, influence, or advantage over others. This can involve a wide range of activities, such as forming alliances, spreading rumours, backstabbing, and using manipulation tactics.

Why addressing workplace politics is important?

While some level of competition and ambition is natural in any workplace, excessive politics at the workplace can create a toxic environment that undermines productivity, morale, and trust among colleagues. It can also lead to favouritism, bias, and unfair treatment of employees.

Workplace politics can be challenging to navigate, but there are ways to manage it effectively. By understanding the power dynamics, building relationships, staying neutral, focusing on your work, being transparent, communicating effectively, and seeking support, you can navigate the politics of your workplace successfully.

This course has been designed to help learners identify situations driven by workplace politics in their respective organisations and acquire skills to manage the situation with integrity and professionalism.

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