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Advertising financial products and advice services (including credit): Good practice guidance

Course Details


Welcome to the comprehensive course on Advertising Financial Products and Advice Services!

In today’s dynamic financial landscape, effective advertising plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer decisions and perceptions. Whether you’re a financial adviser, promoter, a seller of financial or credit products and services, or a publisher of advertising content for these products and services, understanding the nuances of advertising compliance and best practices is essential for success and regulatory adherence.

This course is specifically tailored to provide financial professionals a thorough understanding of advertising regulations, guidelines, and best practices set forth by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

This course will help participants gain the knowledge and skills necessary to create compliant and impactful advertising campaigns for financial products and advice services.

Estimated Time To Complete

2 hours

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to

Explore the regulatory framework governing advertising for financial products, advice services, credit products, and credit services in Australia
Learn the essential compliance requirements to avoid making false or misleading statements and engaging in deceptive conduct in advertising.
Familiarise yourself with ASIC’s good practice guidance for promoting financial products, advice services, credit products, and credit services, and learn how to apply these principles effectively.
Understand the collaborative approach advocated by ASIC, encouraging industry bodies to develop guidelines, standards, or codes that build on ASIC’s good practice guidance and respond to sector-specific needs.


Advertising financial products and services
ASIC’s good practice guidance
ASIC’s regulatory powers
Distribution obligations
Computer, tablet or mobile
Internet Connection
Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox

Course Delivery

Online Learning

Course Access

12 Months

CPD Hours

1.5 Hours


Multiple Choice

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