
Critical Elements of Customer Service

$30.00 “incl. GST”

This course focuses on six key customer service elements that, when applied, ensure a superior experience that exceeds competitive offerings.

SKU: 29949 Categories: ,

Have you ever lost a client because service delivery was delayed? Are you a service provider dealing with high customer attrition because of billing issues? In both these instances, the loss occurred because of poor customer service.

Whether you are an independent consultant working with multiple clients, an executive or manager dealing with irate customers, or working for a B2B or B2C products and/or services company, the common denominator here is the customer.
Customers have evolved and are much more knowledgeable and sophisticated than ever. Not only do they expect more from businesses and products, but they can also readily research the competition. Professionals in customer-facing profiles must be able to think quickly, adapt to different types of customers, and provide excellent service if the company is going to stand out.

This course has been designed to familiarise learners with the six critical elements of customer service and help them improve their customer service skills, including telephone skills, dealing with difficult customers, the importance of empathy, and delivering stellar customer service every time.

What is customer service? Who are your customers?
Meeting expectations
Setting goals
Communication skills and telephone techniques
Dealing with difficult customers and people
Dealing with challenges assertively
Dealing with stress
Critical Elements

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